Sunday, March 1, 2020

Please Allah

"The greatest bliss is the good Pleasure of Allah: that is supreme success." [The Quran 9:72]

This life is temporary, the Hereafter is everlasting. The Believers supplicate to Allah to grant them the best in this life and the Hereafter. [2:201]
The Believer conduct themselves in ways that please Allah and hope for Paradise by His Mercy.

Pleasing Allah is the only right measure of all thought, speech and action.

"Surely, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds."
[6 :162]

The Believers spend in charity out of what Allah has provided for their sustenance. [2:3]
What passed from them to another person was nothing more than handing over what Allah had decreed for the other person.
And if other don't appreciate, it doesn't matter. They didn't do it for them anyway. It was to please Allah.
Truly generous persons feed the hungry "Saying,'We feed you for the sake of Allah Alone, we seek from you neither reward nor thanks."[76:9]
The Believer seek reward their reward from their Creator and Lord, not from others.

Prophet Noah (P.B.U.H) told his people: "I do not ask you any wealth for this work, for none but Allah can reward me." [11:29]


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