Friday, February 28, 2020

What is Quran?

Muslim believe that the Quran is the very word of God Almighty:a complete record of exact words revealed by God  through the Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad.

The Quran is the principle source of every faith and practice. It deals with all subject that concern us as human beings, individual wisdom, doctrine, worship and law; but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His Creation.

At the same time, the Quran provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and equitable economics principle.

"He the God has sent down to you a book (the Quran) with truth, confirming what was revealed before; And he sent down the Torah (of Moses) and the Gospel(of Jews) before this as guide to human kind; and He sent down the Criterion (the Quran)..."  [Quran 3:3-4]

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Muslim Beliefs

Muslim believe in the one, Unique , incomparable, Merciful God -the Sole Creator, Masters, Sustainer and Cherisher of the Universe; int the angel created by him; in the prophets through whom His revelation were brought to humankind; in the day of judgement , and in individual accountability for actions; in God’s complete authority over destiny, be it good or bad, and in life after death. Muslims believe that God sent His messengers and prophets to all people. God’s final message to humanity was revealed to the last prophet, Muhammad, through the Archangel Gabriel.

Who are Muslim?

Muslim come from all races nationalities and culture across the globe. They have different custom languages foods and dress, but they all follow one Quran and saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
Less than 20%of Muslims live in the Arab world, a sixth are found in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the world’s largest Muslim community is in Indonesia. Substantial parts of Asia, almost all Central Asian republics are Muslim. Significant minorities are found in China, India and Russia, Europe, the United state, Canada and South America.

Worship Allah the one and only one God

We need a motive for doing anything. Allah doesn’t need one. He is free of needs. He created because He is The Creator. Nothing more can be said. It is beyond us to know why He created.
Doing any permitted act becomes worship when the intention is gaining Allah’s pleasure. Thus, we begin these acts by invoking Allah’s Name (Bismillah) to seek His Blessings. Why does Allah need our worship? The truth is He does not need it. “O mankind! You are the ones in need of Allah.”[35:15]

Who is Allah(God)?

Allah is the Almighty God. The Creator of everything existence, The most or entirely merciful, the bestower of mercy, The pure. He is eternal, absolute, “He begets not nor he is begotten” and there is none like to him”.
Allah is only one, only one and He is the God of everyone in this world. The God to whom we should pray.
We can only discover or rearrange from what He has created. The ability to create out of nothing is unique to Allah Alone. The Big Bang took place in ‘zero volume’ this mean then nothing exist then. Thus Allah created the Universe and everything in it out of nothing!